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Is conventional cleaning necessary in advance despite 3D disinfection with the CleanCube?

The 3D disinfection, also called cold fogging, is a surface disinfection and complements the conventional wipe cleaning. To achieve an optimal disinfection effect, the surfaces must be optically clean. In addition, 3D disinfection offers preventive protection against resistant microorganisms.

Is it allowed to enter the room during the 3D disinfection process? How long is the waiting time after the disinfection process before re-entering the room?

The room may only be entered with a full protective suit during the disinfection process.

After the end of the disinfection process, a waiting period of at least 110 minutes must be observed before re-entering the room. Or in alternative, after 40 minutes the room can be ventilated by opening a window, using protective mask and safety glasses, and be re-entered after another 20 minutes.

What means AFNOR NFT 72-281 tested?

This is a French test standard which has become the standard method for testing aerosol surface disinfection systems. It is used among others by the European Biocide Product Regulation. Very strict standards must be met for certification. To date only about 30 % of the aerosol systems on the market meet the performance requirements of AFNOR NFT 72-281.

The CleanCubes in combination with the disinfectant CleanLine fully meet the requirements of the AFNOR NFT 72-281 test.

Will furniture, fabrics, electronic devices and other sensitive surfaces be attacked by CleanLine?

Using the recommended quantity of CLeanLine, these surfaces are not attacked. However, it is recommended to remove plants and food from the room before the disinfection process. According to the instructions, the CleanCube must have a minimum distance of three meters to the next object so that it is not sprayed directly.

Anyhow, there is no one hundred percent guarantee due to the very different materials and surface finishes of furniture, textiles, etc.

The specified spray quantity must be strictly followed and in case of high humidity the calculation form must be considered.

The calculation form can be found through the link: en.steinemann-disinfection.ch/customers

How long must the room be disinfected?

Please refer to the CleanCube operating instructions or the separate operating guide en.steinemann-disinfection.ch/customers for spray times. The disinfection time varies depending on the volume of the room.

Where are the areas of application for CleanCubes?

The CleanCube can only be used in closed rooms. Depending on the CleanCube type there are different areas of application, such as in food processing plants, laboratories, operating rooms, patient rooms, company buildings, hotel rooms, public transport, restaurants, farms, or professional cleaning companies. The CleanCube is also suitable in high risk environments such as microbiological laboratories, pharmaceutical production plants, virological research institutes or medical facilities with pathogenic viruses or highly resistant bacteria.

Do I need special training to operate the CleanCube?

The included operating instructions are self-explanatory.

For further information and application support, contact us at: disinfection@steinemanngroup.com; The Steinemann Disinfection Team will be happy to help you.



Why is CleanLine disinfecting?

CleanLine contains 7.5 % hydrogen peroxide and 0.015 % silver.

After contact with organic materials, hydrogen peroxide decomposes into volatile elementary oxygen. This attacks the cell walls of the microorganisms. The chemical reaction of the oxygen with the molecules of the cell walls destroys them.

Why is the hydrogen peroxide enriched with silver?

Silver nanoparticles effectively kill microbes by using the oligodynamic (damaging effect of metal cations on living cells) effect of silver on microbes. After mercury, silver is the metal with the strongest effect on various pathogens such as bacteria, viruses or fungi.

The silver content in the CleanLine is dosed to ensure the most effective impact. An increase in the silver content would generally not achieve an improved disinfection impact.

The synergistic impact of oxygen and silver produces an effective biocide. The oxidizing impact of hydrogen peroxide is additionally increased with the silver.

What is the action mode of silver as a biocide?

Silver has three different mechanisms of impact:

  1. silver forms DNA or RNA complexes with the genetic material of microorganisms and thus inhibits their reproduction.
  2. silver binds to the sulfur bridges of proteins and inhibits the enzyme activity of microorganisms. This inactivates them by limiting the cell's ability to produce energy.
  3. metal ions increase the permeability of the cell membrane, weakening the microorganisms and making them massively more susceptible to oxidizing biocides.

How does hydrogen peroxide decompose?

Hydrogen peroxide is a liquid, colorless, largely stable compound of hydrogen and oxygen in diluted form. During disinfection, the hydrogen peroxide decomposes into water and oxygen when deposited on the surface.

How can it be proven that disinfection has taken place everywhere?

Test strips can be ordered as accessories to check the distribution of hydrogen peroxide in the room. These should be placed in places that are not directly sprayed, such as under the table top, behind the furniture, etc. to check the 3D disinfection.

What proof is there that the microorganisms were killed?

Test slides such as Hygicult TPC are available as accessories and allow a quick control of the microbiological hygiene. These are ideal for analysing the effectiveness of the disinfection process by testing the bacterial load on the surface before and after the process.

Is CleanLine also effective against SARS-CoV-2?

Coronaviridae are, like many other human pathogenic viruses such as influenza, mumps, measles or ebola, among the enveloped viruses. Enveloped viruses are very sensitive to a reaction with disinfectants containing at least 0.5 % hydrogen peroxide or ethanol-based agents with a content of 62 % or more.



Is it possible to get silver poisoning despite the correct use of CleanLine?

Silver poisoning is impossible. For a silver poisoning it needs 1000 mg of cumulated ingested silver. This would correspond to a quantity of 6.7 liters of CleanLine. In the technical literature it is described that 90 % of the silver ingested with food is excreted.

Silver does not form vapors and therefore cannot be inhaled.

What happens during spraying with the hydrogen peroxide and silver?

The two substances are closely coupled and decompose when touching the surface. The silver remains on the surface in very small quantities.

How much silver residue remains on the surface after application?

With a professional spray disinfection, for example with a room height of 2.5 meters, about 2.3 mg silver settles on a surface of one square meter. This silver effectively counteracts new contamination.

For one cubic meter 6 ml of disinfectant are needed. For a room with 2.5 meters height, 15 ml of CleanLine are used per square meter, which corresponds to a silver residue of 2.3 mg.


Contact Information

 Steinemann Disinfection | CleanService Group AG

Wilerstrasse 2180
9230 Flawil


+41 71 555 11 30

 Steinemann Disinfection | Clean Service Group AG

Wilerstrasse 2180
9230 Flawil


+41 71 555 11 30

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